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Believe: A Study of John

Raising our level of belief in who Jesus is

The Gospel of John is an incredible collection of stories about Jesus as the Messiah of God. Unlike the other gospels, John focuses on the deity of Jesus and on the signs that point to Him as Messiah. Throughout this year, we will study the book of John in our Sunday Gatherings, raising our level of belief of who Jesus is.

Listen to the Podcast!

Believe: A Study in John is a weekly podcast that invites you to join a conversation, with Pastor Marvin Williams and Carolyn Kersten, on the week's passage from the book of John. You'll hear fresh perspectives, practical insights, and see how easy it is to have your own conversation around a Scripture passage with those you are discipling. Listen to the podcast wherever you listen to podcasts. Click the button below for the complete list of options.

Believe: A Study of John Companion Guide

As we study the Gospel of John week by week as a church family, we developed the Believe Companion Guide to help you engage the Scriptures more deeply and experience Jesus more fully. The guide is designed to be used with two to four other people in a disciple-making relationship. You’ll review the Scripture each week and answer questions that help you apply it to your life. There are questions to aid you engaging your children with the passage and historical context to help bring the stories to life. Printed versions are available in the Atrium or download a copy by clicking the button below.

IN YOUR GROUP Questions: We encourage you to use the Believe Companion Guide for your group discussion time.